Tuesday 24 May 2011

Ploughing Ceremony

Date celebration occurs: May (changes every year)
This ceremony originates from the
Sukhothai Period times. The festival is held at Sanam Luang near the Grand Palace in Bangkok. The Majority of Thailand population are Farmers therefore they celebrate the start of the planting season in this country. This celebrations is aimed to provide moral predictions to how well the cropping season will go that year. The Buddhist part of the celebration includes the processing of Buddha images as well as traditions herbs and grains such as rice, glutinous rice, sesame seeds, potato, melons, and sweet basil. Many high ranked officials carry and parade the ceremonial ring with nine different gemstones which they get from the King. On this day the royal Majesty usually attends the ceremony. A traditional aspect of the celebration includes the Ploughing Lord , choosing one of three identical looking cloths with different lengths.  The longer the length the Lord chooses signifies the more the rain that will be present during the season, the longer the rain the better the harvesting season will be. During the day women carry silver and gold basket containing rice in it, while chanting traditional hymns.

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